Where did u guys go? I been playing this game ever since and it’s been years without an update, there are still a lot of active players waiting for the creator to come back with updates for this game
Should be removed from app store
Glad I paid a bunch of money to very rarely get any of them and when I do it’s 1-2 uses and 1-3 good weapons.
There are still so many people who play why has it not been updated?? It’s been FOUR years, you are loosing out on so much money.
We love this game y’all need to come back
I’ve been playing this game pretty much since y’all came out. Where did y’all go? This game has not been updated in over four years yet. You still have mini players getting on and enjoying this game. Why did y’all leave? Y’all need to come back and give this game some love!! It’s a great game, but some updates would be nice. Give us some more weapons fix these little annoying bugs that this game has every once in a while don’t just leave it behind. I understand y’all jumped in new projects but come on it’s been four years come back! Don’t come back because of y’all come back because of us.
God tier game. Changed my life forever.
I love this game the problem is when I bought 10$ of credits on my old acc I don’t have anymore it did not register never got them
It’s ya boi tyy21 up on the badeggs servers add me on Xbox live @itzCuzzTyy
My only complaint is that there isn’t a 3rd Bad Eggs
This game is a super old classic with so much potential if it was revamped… please update again!
They need to add new weapons and maps etc start adding stuff to the game more
I used to love this game playing this game everyday on my free time but now I can’t play anymore because they screwed all the Facebook users over. Facebook was my only way to play this game with a prestige 4 level 50 account and now it’s all gun thanks to the developer access thing that pops up when I try to play this game now. 6 years of my account gone. Please, do something about this game I know you don’t support this game anymore bad Viking but please do something. I’m updating this review and saying that Facebook token is invalid.
The Game Graphics Is Great & All And It Works Stably But Problem Is Within A Few Mintues/Hours Playing In The Game It Starts To Freeze & Lags The Player Out The Game … Please Fix This One Of My Favorite Games To Play.
It’s fun but people can pay to win and since the admins are the worst admins I have ever met no one gets banned even though they call each other slurs
It’s a good game overall, just wish the developer/s would update it. Needs more weapons and skins and maybe events or tournaments?
All he does is play this he forced me to get it
I like this game but this one bug in the game is annoying, if you have -1 or lower rep you cannot join another game.. It says in order to gain rep is by playing a round and by getting online.. but that is impossible😐😐
this game is terrible in my humble opinion. i was forced to download this game and i was told that it was fun but in actuality it was the worst game i’ve ever downloaded. it made me sick to the core. just thinking about this game makes me want to commit arson. pls take this game out of my purchased. thank u have a good day and a pleasant tomorrow. xoxo.
Worst game ever
There players are toxic and bully you this app should be taken down there support is horrible this should not even be a game or app they really should take it down
Did y’all like forget about this game it’s dying update it soon already add more stuff
It’s so annoying that you have to pay to have any good weapons bc the ones they give you are terrible
Great game.. just needs way to get credits without buying them
The game is usually unfair, it’s all about luck. If you don’t have the right weapons you loss, even if you pay for premium weapons, the game lets you to use only a few ones. It doesn’t matter if you are good with the aim, if the game doesn’t dive the right weapons, you are lost, because the rival would have the correct weapons to defeat you. It’s just unfair.
Fhh ugh come this dumbass game burn it it will never work
Love this game. Keep it up!
Keeps kicking me out of matches and freezing
You should give more credits out
Please update this game it’s so good but you guys just quit on us players... please update Atleast once or twice a year... 🥺✊
I have iPhone X and it doesn’t fit the screen well please fix
I used to play this kongregate and absolutely love it. Recently picked it back up on mobile but I can’t get my account linked/access to it. I went through my old emails, got access back to my old account, and linked it up to Facebook so I could login. But it’s says I’m level 1 and I don’t have access to any of the weapon packs I’ve bought in the past. I’d really like to pick up where I left off and keep enjoying this game. But if all the time and money I sunk into it already is gone then I really don’t know if I can.
Does anyone still play this in 2020? Lol follow me on Ig and hmu @xblakefreemanx
I only wish there was a way to sign in offline and play bots or something
I am addicted to this game but I hate when we can’t kick people who are afk in the lobby and we have to wait like 80 seconds. What if u wanted a rematch but can’t wait. Second is it freezes at points like the game pauses the time and everything works such as talking but u can’t play so ur forced to exit
Pls update the game 😫
I’ve been playing this game since the launch on pc please add more weapons pack or unlockables
I don’t know if it’s a bug or something but if a map gets destroyed down to the bottom where you can’t destroy anything more below you, I can’t see because the HUD is covering the bottom. Please fix!
Great game I just wish there support for iPhone X and above
I updated the game saying we get 20 free credits but I haven’t received them. What’s the problem?
Can’t invite my friends. Envelope doesn’t appear. Add an option to block people
It's a really great game and all, but whenever I'm playing in a team against another team, I always lose my turn! I rarely get a chance to um..shoot? It's really unfair, but it's a very good game!
Hey! On your game Bad Eggs 2 Online I made a purchase for 200 credits with a 20 credit extra and I paid $9.99 for it and the credits should have gone through to my account and instead I hop on the game super excited and it still says I have 15 credits! Fix this! Or your not only going to lose a donator but a player who quite enjoys your game! So stop ignoring your fans and the people who enjoy your game and fix what you screwed up! My account is Jetblender29! Fix This!
Need a UPDATE The game have potential but we use the same weapons and maps always! They need to update sequently